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Quick FAQ

Microblading lasts for about 18 months, depending on your skin and lifestyle. You can do additional touch ups to extend the duration of the treatment.

Most people report little or no pain during microblading, but everyone experiences pain differently. Some people describe the feeling of microneedles in their skin like light cat scratches or papercuts. After the microblading treatment, you might experience redness and slight swelling - most people describe it as a feeling similar to a light sunburn.

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Microblading is a two-step process: the initial procedure and the microblading touch up. The first session will take about 2,5 hours. After 6 weeks, you will need to do a touch up. This second session takes about 1.5 - 2 hours.

Treatment of Eyebrows with a Medical Condition

Some medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism or alopecia areata, and medical treatments like radio- or chemotherapy are likely to cause hair loss. And for many patients, losing the little hairs above the eyes is even more upsetting than losing the hair on the head.

Microblading can ease the distress by preserving or restoring the appearance of eyebrows, whether you suffer from partial or complete hair loss. At Timi, we suggest you consult your medical specialist before you microblading your brows.

Check the information for specific conditions and treatments below.

Chemo- / radiotherapy

Hair loss is a very common side effect of chemo- and radiotherapy. Loss of head hair can be compensated by wigs or bandanas; but what about the loss of brown hair? Microblading can give you the illusion of real brows even if yours fall out completely.

Ideally, you start the microblading procedure before your first chemo- or radiotherapy cycle. While your brows are still in place, our experienced artist can microblade over the existing hairs, thereby capturing and enhancing your natural brow shape with pigments. This procedure ensures your brow shape will stay as it is. Also, if you start microblading before losing your hair, brow hair loss will be less noticeable when it eventually happens. It is, however, possible to design a completely new brow after you’ve finished chemotherapy. In that case, the results can be less natural - as the design may look a little different from the shape you once had.

If you want to be microbladed before your chemotherapy starts, you have to come at least one month before the chemo-drugs are administered. If you prefer to start the microblading after your chemo- or radiotherapy, you’ll have to wait at least 6 weeks. In some cases, it is possible to undergo the microblading session sooner than 6 weeks after your treatment, or even during an off-week. In both cases, we will need approval from your oncologist.

The necessary touch up can be delayed up to 6 weeks after the chemo, again if your oncologist approves. Most patients prefer to have both the first and the second session done before they start with chemotherapy, as that gives the best result. Please remember that, as always, initial procedure and the touchup have to be at least four weeks apart. The brows have to heal completely before they can be refined. Later, additional touch ups might be necessary if you undergo radio- or chemotherapy, as brows tend to get thinner at each chemo cycle.

Alopecia areata eyebrows

Alopecia and other autoimmune disorders can cause hair loss on different parts of the body, including the eyebrows. Microblading can give patients who suffer from this condition natural-looking, full and thick eyebrows (back).

The microblading procedure is the same, even if you have only a few bald spots. Together with our fully qualified artist, you will design the perfect eyebrows for you. We don’t suggest only filling the gaps, as this will not improve the natural look of your brows.

When you suffer from alopecia or another autoimmune disorder, you’re likely to experience pigment loss. Alopecia patients often experience less retention of the pigment, although it differs from person to person. On average, alopecia patients need additional touch-ups every 6 to 9 months.

Hypothyroidism eyebrows

Hypothyroidism, and other thyroid-related diseases, are a major culprit for (temporary) hair loss. The loss of hair often starts on the outer edges of the brows, making microblading the appropriate solution.

This form of semi-permanent make-up is used to replicate the look of your natural eyebrows. Whether have lost all your hair, just started losing it or it’s not growing back as full as it was.

People who take thyroid medications often need more additional touch-ups than others, as the colour tends to fade a little more more quickly.

When you lose your eyebrows, your face and your expressions change. Microblading can give you your natural eyebrows and confidence back.

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