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Quick FAQ

Microblading lasts for about 18 months, depending on your skin and lifestyle. You can do additional touch ups to extend the duration of the treatment.

Most people report little or no pain during microblading, but everyone experiences pain differently. Some people describe the feeling of microneedles in their skin like light cat scratches or papercuts. After the microblading treatment, you might experience redness and slight swelling - most people describe it as a feeling similar to a light sunburn.

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Microblading is a two-step process: the initial procedure and the microblading touch up. The first session will take about 2,5 hours. After 6 weeks, you will need to do a touch up. This second session takes about 1.5 - 2 hours.

Plasma Eye Lift

Discover this advanced technique that gives you a non-surgical eyelid lift

Are you looking for a way to slow down the aging process without going under the knife? You’ll be excited to learn more about the plasma eyelift.

Timi’s specialist has been trained to perform non-invasive skin rejuvenation and tightening treatments. The techniques she masters include the plasma eyelift, microneedling and the combination of both.

To find out what treatment(s) are best suited for you, get in touch with Timi.

What is the plasma treatment?

The plasma eye lift is an advanced anti-aging treatment, commonly known as the ‘non-surgical eyelid lift’ or blepharoplasty. During this treatment, a series of tiny spots are placed on the skin using a special plasma pen. This technique causes the skin fibers to pull closer together resulting in a tightening and lifting effect. In short, the plasma eye lift gives you a more natural and youthful appearance.

The procedure is quick, easy and affordable with less down-time than treatments with similar results. It’s a safe and effective method for anyone looking to tighten and lift the skin around the eye area.

What is it used for?
The treatment is ideal for the sensitive areas around the eyes, because only the superficial skin cells are targeted and no injectable anesthetics are used. It’s most popular as a rejuvenation treatment, as it improves facial lines and wrinkles instantly. But the procedure can also be used for skin pigmentation and other skin irregularities.

How does it work?
Before the treatment starts, Timi’s artist will take you through the procedure and answer any questions you may have. She will then apply a numbing cream to the area that will be treated.

After about 30 minutes, the skin is treated with a gel that contains vitamins and hyaluronic acid. The main function of the latter is to retain water and keep your skin tissues well lubricated and moist.

Then, the specialist will create a series of tiny dots adjacent to the tension lines on the skin. The dots are produced by placing a pen near to the skin, which produces ‘sparks’. Or more precisely: micro-millimeter sized pulses of ‘plasmatic lightening’. This is where the name of the treatment comes from. These pulses then superficially evaporate and cause the immediate surrounding area of skin to contract. In this way, the loose skin on the eyelid instantly shrinks.

The procedure takes between 75 and 90 minutes.

But this treatment doesn’t only have an immediate effect. Over a period of days after the treatment, the fibroblasts in the skin are activated. These cells, the most common cells of connective tissue in animals, produce more protein, collagen and elastin. Thereby reinforcing the firming and tightening created during the plasma procedure.

Healing process
Like almost every (semi-) permanent treatment, plasma eye lifts should be followed by a series of special and mandatory post-treatment care measures.

The first two days after the treatment, the skin will be swollen. Keep that in mind when you book the treatment, it’s best to take a few days off or plan your treatment before the weekend.

On the third and fourth day, your skin will peel and after the fifth day your skin will look better than it did before.

The weeks after, your skin will be sensitive. Protect your eyes and wear sunglasses.

Results can last from 8 months to one year.

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